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I am an artist illustrator who lives in London just a hop, skip, and jump away from Westminster. I studied a BA at Kingston University and an MFA at Newcastle University. I've been panned by The Guardian, The Telegraph and Time Out Magazine in various exhibitions. My work has been called "unacceptably bad", "astoundingly basic", and "ridiculous", but I'm still doing it. I've also been published by The Morning Star, am a cartoonist and commentator at Europinion and I'm a commentator at Spotted News. Click the images below to open galleries showing my work...
Swallowed in Sleaze
Cover Image 169 Barney Fagan
Just a Minute
It's in the Post
Everyday Blues
Party Politics
Culture Warring
Exchanging Numbers
Green Power
Tory Travails
Covid Crimes
Con Artist?
Party Problems
Gagging for It
Seaside Shenanigans
US Unruffling
The Logo of The Times changed to read Bad Times with a donkey and a cat instead of a unicorn and a lion
Bad Times are here
With the media in the state that it's in, it's no wonder
an alteration of the Daily Mail logo to read Failing Everyday in the script style of The Daily Mail
Daily Fail
The Daily Mail is a bastion... of real FAKE NEWS
The Evening Standard Logo altered to read Sadly Substandard
A Very Standard State Of Affairs
Mr Lebedev needs to brush up on the truth
They've Got A Ticket To Ride
One way ticket to nowhere for the Tories
Hester Festers
The Frank Hester row wages on, as the Tories are embroiled in a racism row
GB Not News
When will the self-appointed Government psychopants learn that lies must be punished?
Lionising Stupidity
Everyone's going mental over the England kit.
Cross Wires
Both Russian leadership and ISIS are made up of angry men, but this is something I didn't predict
Not The Right Damn Time
Lizzo's off, next up is Rishi
After David Low
The Speaker's in real deep trouble
Digital painting of a British river being polluted by raw sewage with the word Sleaze underneath. The image is wrapped in an ornate gallery frame with the title An Artform Since 2010
Sleaze as Art
The Conservatives have formally made sleaze into an artform as the HoneyTrap Tory remains a member
A Daly Trial for Truth
The Tories seek to make their sleaze disappear by inventing sleaze that doesn't exist. A general election seems incoming
"I'm on top of the World!"
If Ed Miliband is to be believed, this is what Susan Hall really thinks...
Civil Society
Rishi Sunak went after the most vulnerable in society on the 19th of April 2024 for votes. It really was that stark.
The Real Questions Begin Now
A Glasgow Special
Humza's fried and the chances of the SNP being the majority party at the next election are done for.
Blood Money
The latest scandal on the sorry island that is Britain
We Failed
Factory Reset
Nastier Chef
Minute Books
Minute Books is a project run by Barney Fagan, Sean O'Brien and Laurie Avon. This particular project was to commemorate Britain's exit from the European Union in the month of January 2019
EU're always in our hearts
EU's leaving the lights on for Scotland
Crime Chaos
From The Times article of the 15th of January 2019, Johnson looks like he's got split priorities
Now we know he's a fan of parties, this decision makes more sense
I don't think Edvard Munch would have been a fan of Brexit
Brexit's getting a boost as Corona sweeps the nation
The tranquility of a church can be wonderful, but not if Boris gets his way
We're ruing the day we left this Union
I appeared in Art On A Postcard's Secret Summer Auction 2020 where my work was slated as being astoundingly basic political messaging by Time Out Magazine
Photography courtesy of Art on a Postcard
Photography courtesy of Art on a Postcard
Photography courtesy of Art on a Postcard
Photography courtesy of Art on a Postcard
Photography courtesy of Art on a Postcard
Photography courtesy of Art on a Postcard
Prepare for the Party
Party Politics
Welcome to the Madhouse that is Number 10
Come on in
Unless you're Boris Johnson
Whilst on my MFA, I was incensed that Boris Johnson had partied the days away during Lockdown, so I threw my own party in his dishonour. The exhibition was described by The Culture Vulture, a local North East Art publisher as "the exhibition highlight"
Boris is contained
Can't be too careful after the fixed penalty notices
This Party's Legal
Don't worry, you're not breaking any Covid rules and even if you were, the prime minister didn't care.
A selection of graduate works on the environment selected by Barbara Chandler and Michael Czerwinski.
GB News has no culture
The Tories are looking for an election strategy and GB News has come to the rescue providing them a desperately needed platform. It won't work.
God Save The UK
We're doomed
Double Standards
Our politics are really in the shitter
That's Racist
Hester festers as does the Tory party
Sambaing in Sleaze
Adidas launch a new trainer and Sunak is caught in another sleaze issue. Quelle surprise!
Will Rishi's Rwanda Ride take to the skies or will it be stopped by the Lethal Lords?
Off to Rwanda
George is off... to Rwanda by order of His Majesty's Government.
America Worst
Live from Mar-a-Lago
Heil Trump
Musk thought the inauguration was the best time to bring out his Hitler impression. Featured in Spotted News 21st January 2025.
Bad Signs for Labour
Labour are in government, but will they be in 5 years? Not if Farage can help it, if the latest polls are to be believed.
Farage The Fascist For Farmers?
Farage is the new face of farming protests in the UK, but will he ever be the face of the nation?
Politics at Home
Get comfortable, but not too comfortable
Ballbags on Beanbags
Take a seat, and get in the mood
Baby on a Beanbag
Politics is for all ages
Deal or No Deal
There won't be a high-money prize at the end of this game
A select set of Newcastle University MFA students took part in a one-day project with Central Saint Martins
Prices have dropped a bit
Badgemaking, Badass signs and Brexit Bonuses
Truly Brexish Summer
I took over a shopping center with Hend Ezat for BCXhibition 2019
Into the Gallery Photo copyright: Andy Stagg.
A piece I made for I don't know what reason, and yet it's still valid today. Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson everybody! Photography Copyright: Andy Stagg
Four Tiers for Boris
The chronic Conservative mismanagement of the Covid pandemic is plain for all to see!
We all knew this government was corrupt but we never thought it was this bad
Maybe Dominic Cummings can test his eyes on this artwork
Looney, Just Simply Looney
With the death toll from Covid being as huge as it was, that really sadly is all folks
We Meet Again Mr Lockdown
They didn't ever get this right!
We've Heart It All Before
It was very repetitive in the Covid lockdown
It's not Rocket Science
During Covid, Johnson didn't half ramble on about nothing. Just let Chris Whitty speak man!
Happy Birthday to Sars-CoV-2?
Not a happy anniversary
Not Dido Hardup
As Sunak raises the smoking age as part of a big announcement, the only thing going up in smoke is his time as prime minister
Tory Wipeout
As Sunak's progress in the red wall is eliminated in the Council elections, it looks like it's gonna be a Tory Wipeout come the General Election
Mayday Maynay!
SOS It's over Rishi!
Electoral Dysfunction
Polling Station signs are still up. Is there something the Government aren't telling us?
Policy Deranged
Sunak announced his manifesto today, without calling an election. Ready, Set, No.
Turkeys or Chickens
Sunak calls an election and all the Tories scarper. Are they chicken?
Dud's Army
Who do you think you are kidding Mr Sunak if you think our kids will gun?
Silverstone Sorrow
Rishi Sunak is not turning a corner but facing a car crash as he launched his manifesto today at Silverstone. He's waving the white flag...
A cartoon showing sheep walking away from Rishi Sunak who is saying It's feeding time. The text above reads Even sheep will not follow Rishi Sunak and below reads Fed Up.
Sheep not sheeping
Sunak went to a sheep farm in another metaphor of failure on this campaign
alt= A caricature of a man in a suit, resembling Rishi Sunak, is shown next to the altered 'L badLooks' logo against a red background. The original logo, manipulated from the Ladbrokes branding, cleverly hints at his aide's potentially illegal bet with a betting company.
Sunak doesn't half know how to look bad during his own election campaign, as a close aide of his is found to have placed a bet on when an election would be. I'm not betting on either of their futures.
Slot machine with a row of Xes on it. The Slot Machine is donned in Tory branding and is titled Tory Travails.
Tory Travails
As more and more Conservative apparatchiks are found to have broken electoral rules on betting, is a vote for the Tories gambling on our future?
Both Labour and Conservatives have been branded by the IFS as iffy
Labour Pains
Is Keir Starmer destroying the Labour heart with Tory tactics and does it matter?
Rishi Sunak standing in a funeral car park with an umbrella turned inside out in his hands saying I will not surrender. The Hearse driver behind him is saying it's already over mate, get in the car
Get In the Car
It's over Rishi.
An alternative government crest
What fresh hell is this?
Boris Johnson at a podium advertising the Conservatives at the 2024 General Election with Rishi Sunak in the background pondering Can this really work?
Can this really work?
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson of lockdown party fame was on the campaign trail as the Tories pulled out their last resort.
An inky drawing of Rachel Reeves' budget box teetering between two cliffs
The Chasm Budget
Rachel Reeves delivers her first budget to much speculation
Rachel Reeves delivering a speech announcing a third runway as a Trump pig flies above her
When Pigs Fly!
The WhatsApp Logo with exclamation marks surrounding it on a red background with the caption Restoring Ministerial Standards since 2024, Labouring Under Illusions, *****App
Labour's new WhatsApp use is certainly not PG
the cover of a calendar reading EveryDay Blues in a dark blue serif font.
Each year Oriel Wells runs a calendar with KesselsKramer and at the end of 2022, I was asked.
an explanation of the EveryDay Blues project by Oriel Wells and KesselsKramer
an illustrated uk political illustration of the month of August and the two potential leaders of the Conservative Party fighting for the leadership off the back of Boris Johnson's time in office.
August Disgust
I am the month of August 2023
a zooming in of an image of a calendar image.
Here's a closer look
a map of the UK drawn in red and yellow with a belt around it, saying It's a bit tight
a cartoon of Keir Starmer tightening his belt saying we must tighten the belt but not the green belt
A computer error screen showing Microsoft's global outage error and comparing it to Labour's child policy deficit
A cartoon of Joe Biden standing at a podium saying I'm standing down. Now let me have a lie down. The caption reads Sleepy Joe Now can sleep
Sleepy Joe Now Can Sleep
a cartoon of the Bibby Stockholm sinking with Tories sailing away in a ship called the ship of Lost Votes.
Bibby Stockholm Syndrome
The Olympic rings as handcuffs with the Israeli Star of David in the centre of each
Rings of Shame
Alien landing on a hillside looking at a far-right rally in the foreground saying, We come In Peace, Oh Wait, Hold on
Two Alien Life Forms
an image of altered logos of some of the companies that have donated to the Trump campaign in the past or that continue to do so
Trumped up Businesses
A drawing of Rachel Reeves as a magician pulling nothing out of a hat saying And for my next trick I won't crash the markets. Caption: C'eci n'est pas un lapin
C'eci n'est pas un lapin
A drawing of ghosts coming out of the budget box saying the perceived problems by the press with Rachel Reeves' budget of 2024
Israel drawn as the big bad wolf standing over a ruined Lebanon
The annual cartoon festival at Herne Bay commences!
His second election victory all harked back to this time
and then the Naziism arrived
aided by the tech bro army
and fed by the mainstream media
who deprived us of a good and the first female president
and now we're left in hock to the millionaires and billionaires
and all we can do to take the pain away is have a drink
whilst watching the world in ruins